Satellite Format Continuing Education Courses
We understand that travel these days is expensive and inconvenient for busy clinicians. However, the kinesthetic skills of ultrasound imaging are best learned with hands-on assistance. Satellite format courses offer access to a national-level instructors for live lectures and interaction while keeping class size small and limiting travel requirements for students. The primary instructor will broadcast remotely from the Host Site with students and other faculty in attendance. Participants have the option to travel to the host, attend a satellite location or possibly organize a satellite or pod at their clinic. All sites will receive the lecture broadcast via Zoom and sponsored locations will have a qualified teaching assistant present during the course to answer questions and assist with hands-on learning during the labs. A virtual TA will be available to answer questions during all lectures and labs.
What are my options for attending the course?
Host location: The instructor will be presenting in person with attendees and teaching assistants from this location while broadcasting with cameras via Zoom to the remote participants. Host sites tend to be larger in size and will have ultrasound equipment provided by our sponsor The Prometheus Group.
Satellite location: The lectures will be broadcast to smaller satellite facilities via Zoom. Facilities will have clinic-owned or sponsor-provided ultrasound equipment for labs with a qualified teaching assistant provided by EGP.
Self-hosted pod: The lectures will be broadcast to small groups via Zoom. Pods are 100% private and self-controlled utilizing clinic-owned ultrasound equipment. Pods are limited to four students per US system and must have a minimum of six months experience with their ultrasound equipment. Clinicians without the required experience need an approved teaching assistant present during the entire course. Small group learning is optimal, however a single clinician participating is allowed with the requirements noted above. They will need to arrange for a non-clinician body model for the labs. Check the course schedule for lab times.
Interested in hosting at your location?
We are always looking for host, Satellite, and Pod locations as well as qualified Teaching Assistants to join our faculty. Learn more about being a course host or satellite location or Contact us at [email protected]
Additional questions??
Visit our course Frequently Asked Questions